Fast Like a Girl Coaching


I have been working with Dr. Mindy’s book and coaching program since 2022. I have significantly improved my own metabolic health and I can help you!

3-Months of Dr. Mindy’s FLAG Coaching with Jessica

Three months of coaching is appropriate for people who just want a little direction with different kinds of fasting. Helpful for folks with 10-15 pounds to shed.

6-Months of Dr. Mindy’s FLAG Coaching with Jessica

Six months of coaching is appropriate for people who identify as having metabolic imbalances and have medical diagnoses that show those imbalances. We will work with customized fasts, created around your schedule and lifestyle, and make improvements over time. Helpful for folks with 20-40 pounds to shed.

1-Year of Dr. Mindy’s FLAG Coaching with Jessica

Twelve months of coaching is appropriate for people who identify as having metabolic imbalances and have medical diagnoses that show those imbalances. These candidates may also have medications they have been told are “for life.” We will work with customized fasts, created around your schedule and lifestyle, and make improvements over time. Helpful for folks with more than 40 pounds to shed.

Fasting Information Sessions

Curious about fasting and why fasting “like a girl” is so miraculous? Join me for an informational session! Sessions held in our Cape Chiropractic Office in Centerville.

Next session: Wednesday, September 4, 6:15pm

"Jessica is such a fun, and thorough, coach. She doesn’t let me get away with anything! She always gets me to see the big picture." – J.H.